
A Selection of the Best Government
and Private Health Plans

Obamacare Plans
HMO Plans
PPO Plans
Bronze Plans
Silver Plans
Gold Plans
Short Term Plans
Medicare Plans

Medicare Benefits

Medicare Benefits - General Information
Medicare Part A (Hospital Insurance)
Part A helps cover inpatient care in hospitals, including critical access hospitals, and skilled nursing facilities (not custodial or long-term care).
Medicare Part B (Medical Insurance)
Part B helps cover doctors’ services and outpatient care.
Medicare Part D (Prescription Drug Coverage)
Medicare prescription drug coverage is available to everyone with Medicare.

If you’re a person with Medicare or help a person with Medicare, call BCI Health Benefits Solutions to find more information about Medicare.

Medicare Part C (Medicare Advantage)

Please contact BCI Health Benefits Solutions for more information.

Obamacare in North Carolina - Health Insurance Marketplace

HSA limit for 2024
Individuals can contribute up to $4,150 to their HSA accounts for 2024, and families can contribute up to $8,300.

Catch-up contribution limits for taxpayers 55 and older remain unchanged at $1,000. 

There are no rollover limits for HSA contributions. Any amount left over at the end of the year will automatically roll over into the next.

FSA limit for 2024
Employer based, the 2024 maximum FSA contribution limit is $3,200.

For cafeteria plans that allow the carryover of unused amounts, the maximum carryover amount for 2024 is $640.

2024 Health Insurance Plans

Catch-Up and Family Member Contributions

HSA holders age 55+ not to be confused with 401(k) and individual retirement account (IRA) catch-up contributions—can contribute an additional $1,000 to their HSAs.
However, “because an HSA is in one(1) individual’s name, there is no joint HSA even when you have family coverage—only the person age 55 or older can contribute the additional $1,000 in his or her own name,” Ex: If only one spouse is 55 or older but the younger spouse contributes the full family contribution limit to the HSA in his or her name, the older spouse must open a separate account to make the additional $1,000 catch-up contribution. If both spouses are age 55 or older, “they must have two HSA accounts in separate names if they want to contribute the maximum,” Another point about family contributions: “If your HDHP also covers your adult children who are not claimed as a dependent on your tax return, they can also contribute to an HSA in their own name if they don’t have other non-HDHP coverage,” However “they will have to open an HSA on their own with an HSA provider.”


ACA's Limits Differ

There are two sets of limits on out-of-pocket expenses for health plans, determined annually by federal agencies, which can be a source of confusion for plan administrators.

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Balanced Wellness for Life

Advanced Energetic Data-field Testing (AEDT) may help you detect early signs of medical concerns.

Keeping you well is less expensive than treating you when you are sick. It’s the concept of managed care.